Re Iteration and the Journey so far:

John Nix
5 min readApr 19, 2021


(Galaxy Shooter: Zombie Fleet: Edition)

In this continuation, where we left off last time was starting the project for the 2d galaxy shooter well as I had stated I had to find a integration to hold focus and get it done to playable standards. I do have that in mind, I am making something I feel good about publishing and is not only a stand alone game, But as well is an extension of a game in production but this one will be released first as to, pave the way as it where.

In doing it this way will not only tie everything together as far as a complete project, but as completing the entire curseload along the way as in the layout I am setting up would be as follows

Here as I started my writings from the beginning with where to truly start with the brainstorming and “Think it- Write it- Build it” well I have several portions built out as now am building a fitting landing page to start making cinematic cutscenes for it and then will almost me ready and as I said At least I think I did say! .. I would show progress and as such without further delay, where I currently am without giving to much away, I present you the “GDD” for Galaxy Shooter: Zombie Fleet-Edition


“Galaxy Shooter: Zombie Fleet: Edition: GDD(Stand-alone)” GDD

Your new to the “Zombie Fleet” your first set of missions is o test your skill set and support for the outer reaches of the quadrant by controlling the support and survey drones via the drone control booth in the main command deck until you either are needed to be a space fighter pilot or you have proven yourself a worthy candidate for space flight.


Split Genre, meaning the player will be able to set the camera view instantly changing the aspect of the core game play through a special system designed and developed by wolfgraphicsLLC. This will hold almost any view such as 2d platformer, top down, 3D side scroll, top down, 3rd person, and first-person cockpit view. And ev3n from the eyes of the player sitting in the drone control booth looking at the monitors controlling the game play on the inner drone control view panel.

Target Audience:

E for everyone.

Controls: Windows common controls (W, S, A, D), XBox pc controller, bluetooth controller compatible with pc linking.

Thematic Setting: The setting is that of a future space station or planetary defiance base control room, and space flight both 2d and 3d. the 2d version of the gameplay can be seen here

This is the remade modded version of the space fighter 01 from filebase which will be the ship the player flies should they wish to fly it in 3rd or fps mode while in the 3d switch over of the game.

here is a gif of some of the mods implemented earlier on the space fighter.

In this image here

Tech Stack:

In order for me to accomplish this I will need to take things a step further and combine a few of the courses here at GDHQ into one full out course which is the only way I seam to be able to focus and view it as a whole, as such I will be adding in cinematic cutscenes via the cinematography course. Then there is the aspect of the 3d inter weaving for the opening cutscenes and the game play it self as in a 2.5 d platformer may be or even a top-down game. As well as most of the aspect of the following courses there is also aspects of the vault that will need to be implemented to assist on such a task.

Platform(s): this will be built out originally for {C and possibly, mobile.) Then the rebuild will be much more instance to push it to steam as well as for consoles like xbox and playstation.

MVP Game Moment:

In this version I do believe that the crowning moment will be when the player discovers that there is a boss encounter when the player sends the first sets of drones out and there almost instantly destroyed but by why you say! Ok the player after a few runs at that task with very frightening results of busted up drones and very little to no imagery except the one brief sine of non-natural actions of a drone being hit with what looked like glowing plasma balls. Well, when the player gets to the spot, he sees even the scout ships that went looking for the missing people that was a few days overdue.

Game Summary:

Join the zombie fleet at the base level of drone control spec. then work your way up the ladder to become a space fighter pilot. Defeating enemies, saving others, and gathering crucial intel and supplies.

Core Player Experience:

The players exp will be getting the feeling of playing a game in the game as at first will for the first several missions, the player will be in a drone control booth

(May not be exact to this one as I will make one to fit the need of the game)

Central Story Theme: as part of the stand-alone version, you just as it says above but if you are playing the full version of Zombie Fleet then this is just a small taste of what is to come and a lot bigger storyline that is a lot more involved … But no spoilers for now sorry!…

Design Pillar:



This is a game with mechanics that I myself have seen a few game studios try but just could not seem to get it right so let’s see what I can do differently to make the concept better by giving the player more control over their own game play and change the experience when they play it each time. As well as upgradable weapons

like this laser shooting module attached to the underbelly of the fighter. When the player gets power ups it will have different effects depending on the powerup. And in later updates there will be a in game shop to buy in game items like whole ship upgrades and new weapons to start with.

Anticipated Steam Early Access Launch date:

Feature Development Priorities: Custom Player manager system, entangled with a new camera system and UI integration

Reference Games:

Zombie Fleet, Galaxy shooter hybrid.

