GIT and unite UNITY

John Nix
2 min readApr 6, 2021


here is a quick and sure fire way to take and link your unity project folder to you git hub repository in a few simple steps.

  1. go to where your project is saved on your computer/pc.

from here you would open the folder right click and select git bash here in side the folder then you will see the gitingore txt file appear in the build folder like this below.

then in your search bar from your task bar on the bottom left of the task bar type in git and it will bring up this result

allowing you to click on the exe and open run the git bash command console.

from here follow this command structure

lets break this down a little further for you as in here

your going right from the git bash cmd with out adding the gitnore to the base project folder.

the if you have already added the gitignore to the folder you open the cmd and you cd and follow the path to your project folder such as

and from here you follow the protocol with the git bash commands to status fetch pull commit and push after you git init. hope this helps and have a great day.

