Communication with the unity console Reading and understanding what it is telling you!

John Nix
4 min readMay 1, 2021


In many cases I find when someone reaches out asking for help, I have found that 1). the error “WORD” itself can be intermediating. When the person sees the word ERROR and freak out and are not understanding the breakdown of what the console is telling them.

In many cases it will tell you the Path in witch to find the error, what the error is, and the exact line in the script the error is on, and the word or words that is the error. In this if you click on a single error on the console it will highlight blue and the bottom of the console will show a definition of the error that then you can read through and brake it down and determine the best course of action as in the below image.

Here below is the defining error as in what sett the console to through the error while compiling in the first place. One thing to remember when reading the error is not to over think it. read it and sound it out just as you would any other sentence. Left to right and if needed take it in segments just as I will break it down here showing the way to better understand the error and what it is telling you.

in the line above it says “Multiple precompiled assemblies with the same name” meaning that there is more than one instances o the same script running at the same time. then to further break it down, “Newtonsoft.Json.dll” is the name of the script that there is multiple versions of. then the reason for the error, “ Only -ONE- assembly with the same name is allowed per platform” this means that you either need to remove one of the double scripts from the build project folder or in the settings in the inspector dis allow the calling of the script except one.

Here in the segment below is the direct path to where the error is located. In breaking this down you should remember that the drive it is in will not be shown as it is inside of the project folder that you are working in so from looking at it from the file editor o you pc it would simply start at clicking and opening the project file where ever you have it saved on your pc.

in the first section, “Assets” is the sub folder in which the path starts from. then the “,NewFolder/” will be the next part telling you the name of the subfolder inside the Assets folder. The next leg of this would be “Tridify/” then “Plugins/” this is a string of sub folders with in sub folders the “/” is just what that means is that there is a directory change to a new or “SUB” folder down or even up a tier in the path.

in this image above it is showing the first segment in the console after clicking on it will highlight the script file that it is referencing this is the view in the project folder right in side the unity editor window.

the third section or(SUB)folder in the path!

this image is showing the “Tridify” location of the third subfolder in the error of the console in the unity editor window this too is located in the projects well if you view in the same image just below the Tridify it is showing the plugin folder

By clicking on the error in the console this it what you should see, In most cases. However, in some cases if it is not in the main assets folder then the compiler will not highlight the script or reference for the error you will have to use these steps to read through and follow the path in the projects folder to find the culprit.

As in this image below. The error could be in the Packages folder which is out side the assets folder and still inside the project main folder but is not subject to the same rules as the assets in the asset folder.

As well I many cases will even if you double click on the error in the console it will open Visual studios, or what ever scripting editor your using and have assigned to unity will open and highlight directly the infraction of the error right where it is accruing will do a follow up posting of that instance in side of Visual studios showing a walk through of that and what it will show you. Until the next time on….

