2 x 2 and 3 x 3…

John Nix
2 min readApr 29, 2021


This is Kind of a 3 part- one, hence the name. To start where I left off the last entry here is where to go next in my method/ Madness if you want to call it :).

However, to be honest! There is a few other writings I can add to this setup as in Variables, and a few more along the way to getting the UI in such as enterprise Apps with the login and such. As can be seen in this set up I have done here on this project “Jupiter Infographic”: showing the screen transition animation portion for the application.

with that shown there and then this is what becomes of the infographic.

Now, that we have the gdd in place and most of the UI made and such we can start at where every great story does. The beginning. Just as in with the above infographic, we can use the animation system in unity with the time line. Along with the canvas panels to create the (UI) User Inter face. This in turn can be used for the log-in system as in the enterprise app course. Well the beginning has already begun so the next step would be the (For me ) where the game starts and that would be the loading of the game and UI for log in and such. Where as I do have the as I am doing this this is the view of the dev that gathers every thing as in if was on a team and then putting it all together as al most all of the assets have been gathered and will more than likely have to mod or re work some of them to fit / alter, just right to build it out. ( due to some technical difficulties this will as they say), …To be continued… with building out the UI, and cinematography. “Opening cut-scene cinema graphics”.

